
Ensure Your Cryogenic Piping System is Safe With an Oxygen Deficiency Monitoring System

Author: Matt Miller, Director of Sales – Commercial Division The safety of a cryogenic distribution system goes beyond piping components such as pressure relief devices and shut-off Valves; it also includes components such as oxygen deficiency monitors. Oxygen Monitors play a critical role in cryogenic piping systems due to the risk of oxygen depletion in …

The CryoSpotlight shines on Kevin Zelaya!

The CryoSpotlight shines on Kevin Zelaya! Kevin Zelaya was no stranger to CryoWorks when he joined as a full-time employee at the start of 2022. During his time at California Baptist University (CBU), he was a part of the formula SAE group when he heard about CryoWorks. “When I came to tour CryoWorks, I noticed …

Protecting People and Profits: What Are the Top 2 Reasons Every LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) Plant Should Use Vacuum Insulated Pipe (VIP)?

Natural gas, a hydrocarbon gas comprised predominantly of methane, is an important global energy source. For decades, countries have made it part of their energy policy to switch from coal to cleaner burning natural gas, increasing its demand. Transporting gas by any means other than high pressure pipe is challenging and often infeasible. To make …

Vacuum Jacketed Pipe vs. Vacuum Insulated Pipe, Which is Correct?

In the world of cryogenics, where temperatures can reach -452°F (-269°C), mechanical insulation often isn’t suitable to keep liquified gases cold enough for storage, transfer, or use. Without sufficient insulation, liquids boil off, reducing the liquid quality and creating a wasted product. Instead, most users deploy piping that utilizes super-insulation to minimize heat transfer. In …

CRYOWorks shines our CryoSpotlight on Patrick Lagunda!

CryoWorks shines our CryoSpotlight on Patrick Lagunda! Joining our team at t樂威壯 he end of 2021, Patrick creates technical drawings and models of systems as well as components. With his motto as “Maximum Effort”, he takes great pride in his drawings, which comes as no surprise when the drawings not only meet the customer’s expectations …

CryoWorks shines our CryoSpotlight on Dylan Dudley!

CryoWorks shines our CryoSpotlight on Dylan Dudley! Joining CryoWorks as part of the CryoCleaning team with his mom, Dyana, he quickly realized that CryoWorks was more than family, it was a foundation for the start of his career. With his mantra as “Just try your hardest, and be honest”, Dylan moved on to the Quality Control …

CryoSpotlight shines on Steven Clark!

CryoSpotlight shines on Steven Clark! CryoSpotlight shines on Steven Clark! With his skills, and “Yes Dude” attitude, he has worked his way up from when he first joined as a CryoWelder, to now overseeing CryoWelders in the Large Bore specialty. He enjoys working for CryoWorks and describes it to be a company that is “Reliable, …

CRYOWorks, Inc. Announces Launch of Shop.CryoWorks.Net

CryoWorks, Inc. has announced the launch of its e-commerce website, Shop.CryoWorks.Net. The inaugural e-commerce store from CryoWorks offers a variety of products for the storage, distribution, and transfer of cryogenic fluids. “We are excited about the launch of Shop.CryoWorks.Net! It allows us to continue to partner with our customers to help keep their operations running …

CryoSpotlight: Nick Newcomb

CryoSpotlight shines on Nick Newcomb威而鋼 , our Accounts Payable Clerk! Nick joined CryoWorks in 2021 as part of the Accounting team. Known by a couple of CryoTeam Members as “Nickels”, you can find him with a fresh cup of coffee in hand ready to start his day, processing invoices, assisting customers with questions, and working …