
CryoSpotlight (Employee Spotlight): Joseph DeSantis

Joseph DeSantisShowing Appreciation To The People Behind Cryogenics Piping Systems

As cryogenic specialist leaders, CryoWorks tends to focus on the field of cryogenic piping systems, but we’re switching things up today with our CryoSpotlight, a segment dedicated to getting up close and personal with some of our hardest working employees. That’s right…CryoWorks is showing appreciation to the people behind the piping! Today, the CryoWorks team is excited to shine the spotlight on Joseph “Joe” DeSantis!
Both Mechanical Designer and Mario Kart player aficionado, DeSantis received this month’s CryoSpotlight for his outstanding contribution to CryoWorks. “CryoWorks is fast, friendly, and fun!” DeSantis says, and we agree!
Part of the CryoWorks mission is to demonstrate that we value all customers, vendors, employees, and their families by providing genuine care and concern…and DeSantis does all of that, plus more! His desire to explore the technicalities of Cryogenics is evident in his 10-year-wish to evolve alongside the company. “I want to continue to increase my Cryogenics knowledge and that of my design ability”, he emphasizes.
Now, let’s put the pipes on the back burner for a bit as we take an arbitrary (albeit insightful and entertaining) peek into DeSantis’ interests outside of CryoWorks, from leisure activities to personal favorites!
“Outside of work, I watch Netflix, Hulu, and the occasional Disney Plus,” DeSantis says. It should be no surprise, then, that since the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders have been mandated, DeSantis’ “new hobbies” include binge-watching television shows with reckless abandon. However, if he had the freedom to travel, DeSantis recalls the best vacation he experienced which was traveling to Disney World for his honeymoon. Would he go again? Probably. And likely as a bird since he says that flying as a bird must be fun (also, being a bird means he wouldn’t have to fly on an airplane to go to Disney World; he could simply fly himself to his destination (unless he’s a ratite or penguin, in which case he might face some challenges)).
“Some of my favorite things are my family (I can’t live without them), the Yankees, and Five Guys burgers and fries,” DeSantis continues, though the latter is quite a contrast to DeSantis’ desire to try Escargot. Nonetheless, from burgers to cooked edible snails, we could probably all agree that DeSantis’ interests are, at the least, commendably all-encompassing!
Lastly, we asked if DeSantis would share a motto with us in which he personally appreciates. “When life gives you lemons, keep them. Because, hey, free lemons!” And we couldn’t agree with him more.
At CryoWorks, we’re not only focused on providing high-quality, dependable products and exceptional services. While these are important to us, we’re equally invested in our team members from technical sales to designers — that’s what sets us apart from our competition! Our mission to “make it happen, make it easy, make it fun” wouldn’t be possible without our dedicated employees like Joseph, so we’re taking pride in the CryoSpotlight. Because the people behind Cryogenics piping are just as important as our customers and vendors.
If you liked this employee spotlight, stay tuned for more from CryoWorks!